Specializing in Mitigation Strategies for People Facing Criminal Prosecution or for Those Already in Prison.
Crisis Management
Crisis Management is the development of strategies designed to help an individual or organization deal with a sudden and significant negative event with the goal of doing everything possible to limit the damage it can cause as quickly as possible.
This is especially important in order to defend, mitigate and manage a crisis such as an arrest, incarceration and conviction. This applies to both long and short term criminal sentences.
How To:
RDAP is an acronym for “Residential Drug & Alcohol Program”. Those who are eligible and complete the Program may have their sentence reduced by up to one year. The RDAP program is voluntary and takes 500 hours of coursework or about nine to twelve months to complete.
Generally, in order to qualify for RDAP, one must have at least 24 months or more remaining to serve on their sentence, present a verifiable, documented pattern of substance abuse or dependence within the 12-month period preceding arrest on the underlying offense; have no serious mental or cognitive impairment precluding full program participation and be halfway house-eligible, which may participation by removable non-U.S. citizens.
Request to participate in this program should be brought up prior to the time of sentencing and information concerning eligibility should be made part of the pre-sentence report in your case. If you qualify, the Judge, based on a request from your attorney, may recommend your participation in the program. This is important because not all federal prisons have the RDAP Program."
In many cases, a person may be facing a long term sentence or may have been given a significant amount of time in prison. This normally happens in cases where there are “Mandatory Minimum” sentences or where the crime involved has a lengthy term of incarceration. It can also happen other ways as well.
Mandatory Minimum sentences require judges to impose a sentence of a term of imprisonment which is usually significant based on the offense involved. These sentences can also be “stacked” by the Court which may result in extreme sentences, including decades in prison. There are options which may be available to help reduce the amount of time that is being served in a variety of ways.
In other cases, long sentences may be imposed because of the nature of the individual crimes, by enhancements added by the Court, because of prior criminal history or as a result of other factors.
If you are looking at a long term sentence or have been given several years in prison contact us for a case review to see what options may be available.
White Collar Advice
If you fall into the “white collar” category, time is of the essence to create a plan as early as possible to navigate the system, so that you can put yourself in a position to manage the risks involved as much as possible.
It’s never too soon or too late to begin defending yourself. This is, especially, true if you are the target of a white-collar crime. The damage it can do to an individual’s life, family, business career, earning capacity, and future is profound. It can affect your future and that of your family for years to come.
Anyone facing these types of challenges should consult with a competent defense attorney who can give them guidance through the court system. We are crisis management consultants. We do not provide legal advice or legal services and are not a substitute for your lawyer.
While competent counsel is critical, however, there is much more you can do to protect yourself. Simply allowing a defense attorney to navigate the seemingly endless maze of the legal system may not be enough. I know this from first-hand experience when I practiced law. That’s why we work together as a team with your attorney to get the best result available.
We work in tandem with our clients, their lawyers, and their families throughout the entire process to mitigate their situation in any way possible. The entire focus is to minimize or eliminate the amount of time one spends in custody. We offer help and advice to our clients and their lawyers throughout the process, including plea review, post-plea, and the conviction stage of the case. In addition, if necessary, we also help with the incarceration stage of the proceedings as well.
Free Consultation
We have vast experience and insight that can help you successfully manage the risks throughout the entire criminal process. Call us today for a free consultation, so that we can help you assess your situation and review all the options.
Legal Disclaimer
We are not a law firm and we do not offer legal advice. This means that we can’t act formally on your behalf in any court of law or file any pleadings for you. We work with a number of different lawyers and law firms and if you need an attorney to formally represent you in your jurisdiction, we can help find one. If you have any questions about this, please let us know.